January 31, 2019
The Israeli Doctors of America board members had a productive meeting with Mr. Ze’ev Rubinstein and Dr. Andrew Hutter and other Members of “Israel bonds” on 1.31.19.
Following a well received lecture given by Dr. Singer at the Israel Bonds medical dinner in November 2017 we agreed to schedule additional lectures by members of Israeli Doctors of America at the Israel Bonds future medical events.
Following an initial discussion between Mr. Rubinstein and Dr. Singer at the UN in December 2018, we continued discussing ways to strengthen the relationship between the two organizations and boards including:
Continue and promote support the Israel’s Medical community
Emphasis our mutual values and find creative ways to expand the collaboration between the two organizations
The upcoming Israeli Bonds to Maimonides Medical Center in Israel delegation in March 2019.
Extend an invitation to members of Israel Bonds to our next event in spring 2019 so that all members of Israeli doctors of America are aware of this collaboration and opportunity.
Extend an invitation to the large medical community of Israel Bonds (in NJ, NY and Chicago) to become members of Israeli doctors of America.
Promote purchasing of Israeli Bonds shares to support medical institutions in Israel.

Meeting with Israel Bonds; right to left: Mr. Ze’ev Rubinstein, Dr. Jonathan Bank, Dr. Shira Eytan, Dr. Andrew Hutter, Dr. Tomer Singer, Dr. Devon Klein, Dr. Dana Shani, Dr. Yoav Glidai.