22 October 2017
Thank you to all that participated in our second gathering on October 22nd, 2017, at the residence of Ambassador Dani Dayan, Consul General of Israel in New York.
Deputy Minister of Finance, Yitzhak Cohen, and Moshe Bar Siman Tov, Director General of Israel Ministry of Health reiterated the importance of upholding our ties to healthcare in Israel.
In a matter of a few short months, our group grew to over one hundred members, the vast majority of which were present at the meeting. We believe the positive response relates directly to the need, and intent reflected in our Mission Statement.
Over the upcoming months we will be reaching out to members to contribute to help materialize the group’s visions though a number of committees tasked with addressing each of our goals:
Membership expansion
Community engagement
Trainee relations
Business, research, and parallel organizations collaborations
Feel free to connect in our group in Linked-in, and look for emails from info@israelidoctor.com.
Looking forward to seeing you and many more again in the spring.
Yitzhak Cohen, Dani Dayan, Mili Avital, Tomer Singer, Moshe Bar Siman Tov, Jonathan Bank